GREAT GATSBY NOTES pt.5 (chapter 4)
* Why does Nick talk about all these ppl that come to Gatby's "parties"? and why describe them  with specific details?
* Why would Gatsby ask Nick what he thinks about him/opinion towards him?
* "educated at Oxford" why does it offend Nick?
* What "sad thing" happened to Gatsby?
* Is Nick jealous that Gatsby mentions Jordan in conversations continuously ?
*Why is Oxford College spelled incorrect "Oggsford" ? when they were having a convo (nick& gatsby's friend w/ an interseting nose)
* Why did Nick all of a sudden remembered Gatby when he was having a flash back?
* 1917 ?????????? KEYYYY
* "she was gay again,gay as ever." why did the author use these words?
* Why did Mrytle move on soooo quick?!?!?!?
* Daisy and Gatsby young lovers back then ?!?! and why does Gatsby want to see her again ?


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