I completely agree with E.M. Foster's view because people will have a healthy, long-lasting life. I also think people are responsible for achieving these purposes.
  I believe that E.M. Foster's view is a firm assertion. For instance, studies show that if we have personal relations we have a chance of having a healthy,long-lasting life spand. To add to that, studies have also shown people with no personal relations have a higher chance to catch a cold or flu and feel unhealthy.Other than, having a healthy and long-lasting life people also have better communication skills. Such as, people working together as a team and showing teamwork efforts. Also, understanding, suggesting, one another is a key idea of people improving their communication skills and having  better relations. Lastly, listening to gain full meaning of one another is the most important communication skill, people improve and learn from these personal relations.
 Because personal relations are  the primary purpose of E.M. Foster's view and my agreement, I believe causes and patriotism are not important. Causes, can make drastic changes to anyone or anything, but people may use this as an advantage to show off how much they donated or how they helped out. Patriotism, can't be reliable because people won't be loyal to their country or have love and support toward their country. Which leads to patriotism and causes not being significant.
 To sum up, I believe that E.M.'s assertion is important rather than patriotism  and causes. As primary evidence of what personal relations cause and prove, this is why I believe personal relations are more important.


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