My mood right now! 😩Man this day was going well until practice was around its corner. Sometimes you're good and sometimes your bad, and for me was ending up bad which sucks because you reflect back on it and can't stop thinking about it, and it forbids you from continuing your activity you are doing/suppose to be doing. Anywho, who's ready for our analyzation on Emerson?🤔
A HUG IS NEARLY A GUN SPELLED BACKWARDS I completely agree with E.M. Foster's view because people will have a healthy, long-lasting life. I also think people are responsible for achieving these purposes. I believe that E.M. Foster's view is a firm assertion. For instance, studies show that if we have personal relations we have a chance of having a healthy,long-lasting life spand. To add to that, studies have also shown people with no personal relations have a higher chance to catch a cold or flu and feel unhealthy.Other than, having a healthy and long-lasting life people also have better communication skills. Such as, people working together as a team and showing teamwork efforts. Also, understanding, suggesting, one another is a key idea of people improving their communication skills and having better relations. Lastly, listening to gain full meaning of one another is the most important communication skill, people improve and learn from these personal relations. ...
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